A “stuff your Kindle day” is an amazing day of finding new free ebooks in your favourite genre or reading niche!

photo of a computer screen showing a free book blast on a website ; heading says Romance Bookworms, and the main paragraph says, "are you a coracious romance reader? For One Day Only, Stuff Your Kindle or other ereader with 1000+ Free reads!

If you’re curious about what a “Stuff Your Kindle Day” is all about, or would like to find one in your own niche (as a reader or a writer), this is the website for you!

Check out our growing list of free book blasts (all independently organized), and explore our story and some of our blog archives copied over from the original indie Stuff Your eReader website, RomanceBookworms.com, where Zoe York hosts the largest romance SYKD a few times a year.

Amazing indie authors organize many of these events for their readers.